Berns Brett provides charity cover for the protection of trustees, employees, volunteers and assets. Our experienced team can provide advice and cover for all sizes of charities from £1,000 income to £100m.
Our team of dedicated personnel are fully educated to the needs of the charity and care home sectors and we already act for many organisations throughout the UK.
At Berns Brett we understand that every pound you spend is very important: Our knowledge of the charity, not-for-profit and voluntary sector combined with a specialist understanding of risk ensures you receive relevant cover.
Each client is provided with their own dedicated specialist Account Manager and an experienced team who are always on hand to provide objective help and advice.
Berns Brett are also specialists in arranging Insurance for care homes & domiciliary care providers covering their business, staff and assets. We understand that managing or owning a nursing home or care home makes you responsible for the security and protection of a large number of people. We also understand that every care home is different and has different insurance requirements. In addition to typical business insurance cover our experience has shown that care homes require additional protection to help them manage their specific industry risk profile.
Our team of care home specialists work closely with the country's major insurance companies and can deliver an all-inclusive insurance package that meets the needs of care providers and their local authority.